229 Ratuthit 200 Pee Road
Patong Beach
83150 Phuket, Thailand
How to Best Prepare
In order to participate in a PADI IDC you must of course meet all the prerequisite requirements:
- Be certified as a PADI Assistant Instructor, PADI Divemaster, or as an instructor with another recreational diver training organization.
- Be at least 18 years old.
- Be fit for diving and submit a medical form signed by a physician within the last 12 months.
- Have been a certified diver for at least six months, logged at least 60 open water dives with experience in night, deep and navigation prior to begin the Instructor Development Course (IDC) and logged at least 100 dives prior entering the Instructor Examination (IE).
- Submit proof of CPR & First Aid training within the last 24 months.*
* For those whose CPR / MFA training has lapsed an update is included in the IDC Prep course or one can be arranged prior to or in conjunction with the IDC - - check with us to see what can be scheduled for your IDC.
Once you are sure that the above requirements have been meet you need to take a look at our different 5 star PADI IDC programs that we offer and contact us if you have any further questions.
30% deposit is required to reserve your place - deposits may be paid on-line (by far the simplest & easiest method) or by bank transfer - contact us for bank transfer details. SIGN ME UP
Necessary documentation
- Certification cards from Open water to Divemaster / Assistant Instructor. If you are missing any cards, no problem. We will print out a list of the your courses from the PADI web-site for you.
- Non-PADI certifications, make sure that you have photo copies as you will need to submit these to PADI with your IDC paperwork at the I.E.
- "PADI Medical Certificate" signed by a Doctor. You may download the form from www.padi.com and either have it signed by a Doctor. in your own country!!!
- Logbook to show proof of 60 logged dives for the IDC and 100 logged dives for the I.E.
- 4 passport photos to Day 1 of the IDC.
- You will need following PADI materials: Instructor manual, IDC candidate Workbook, Open Water and Confined Water cue cards, Open Water Training Dive Lesson Preparation Slate, Confined Water Lesson Preparation Slates, The Best of the Undersea Journal, and the RDP both table and wheel versions. Click
Note: These materials are available from us at a special VIP price (20% of list price), or included in any of our packages!
Be familiar with PADI manuals, quizzes and exams. Warm Water Diver has a complete PADI library available to you.
If you already own a candidate workbook complete the 16 IDC Knowledge Reviews, Ideal is that you have them all complete before the IDC starts, it will save you time that you can use for other topics.
At the beginning of each Knowledge Review you will find listed the necessary pre-study reading assignments you need to read before answering the knowledge review.
These assignments can be found in: your Instructor manual, IDC Candidate Workbook, The Best of the Undersea Journal, The Law & the Diving Professional and The Business of Diving.
During the Prep course your Course Director and IDC Staff members will lead you through the reading assignments helping you understand and become familiar with PADI standards, PADI educational philosophy, provide some training suggestions and other background information necessary to complete your IDC program.
On which PADI course is Instructor Level Dive Theory taught ??
On which PADI course is Instructor Level Dive Theory taught ??
Answer: The PADI Divemaster Course - CORRECT ANSWER .. !!!
Please make sure that you are confident with your level of dive theory knowledge BEFORE the IDC.
The best way to do this to buy, beg or borrow a copy of The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving and Diving Knowledge Workbook (The CD-Rom Encyclomedia includes both) and work your way through it along with the 1999 Divemaster exams. You will have ample to keep you busy during the IDC without having to worry about dive theory questions such as "what are partial pressures" or "how do I find minimum surface intervals with the RDP Wheel ?"
You know when you have mastered the information when you can not only arrive at the correct answer but also explain WHY each of the other answers is wrong !!!
During the IE exams are available in over 20 languages. Should the exam not be available in your native language you will be credited with extra time.
Please note that exams other than English need to be ordered from PADI well in advance of the IE, so please let us know as early as possible.
Go Dive as much as possible - nothing replaces real life experience.
Assist your PADI instructor as often as possible.
Practice all your skills - especially the 20 skills of the PADI skill circuit.
Concentrate especially on your buoyancy skills: hovering and fin pivots, out of air skills: Buddy Breathing and Alternate Air Source both stationary and swimming, the controlled emergency swimming ascent (CESA) and your removal skills: scuba unit and weight belt - both at the surface and underwater.
Remember although an Open Water Diver can "do the skill", this is usually a long way off from the "demonstration quality" expected of an Instructor. You can always review the skills on the PADI Open Water video or CD-Rom.
When was the last time you DEMONSTRATED any of these … ???
If possible get your PADI instructor to watch you perform Rescue Diver Exercise #7: "Unconscious Diver on the surface." You can review an excellent demonstration of this on The PADI Rescue Diver video.
Again a demonstration and workshop of Rescue Diver Exercise #7 is included in the IDC Prep course.
Check all your dive equipment and make sure everything is serviced, up to date and ready for action. Warm Water Divers is a full dive equipment service center and stocks a complete range of extra items such as computers, compasses, knives, warm water wetsuits, slates, clips, slates, clips, straps and the like.
Remember the more prepared you are the less of a workload you will have during the IDC, leading to a more relaxed and enjoyable IDC !!!