229 Ratuthit 200 Pee Road
Patong Beach
83150 Phuket, Thailand
Instructor Courses
Warm Water Divers will turn your passion of diving into a new profession.
We take pride of the quality, the professionalism, the fun and the relaxing environment of our courses.
See below our PADI Instructor development courses:
The IDC begins with independent self-study and encompasses two PADI programs: The Assistant Instructor Course (AI) and The Open Water Scuba Instructor Course (OWSI).
Together these two programs make up the full IDC.
Our Phuket IDC, 9 days, is designed to not only to develop your teaching skills but also expand your knowledge and understanding of The PADI System of Diver Education. After all what makes a teacher a successful professional is not what he knows … …. but rather what his students know after he has finished teaching them !!!
During the IDC you will learn how to successfully transfer knowledge and skills to others. Furthermore you will develop a clear understanding of The PADI Philosophy of Continuing Education and the full range of PADI programs and teaching materials that are available to you as a PADI Instructor.
The focus of these programs is on development, in other words learning by making mistakes and being corrected - so feel free to make as many mistakes as you like !!!
In fact, we learn best by making mistakes, and then receiving the necessary feedback we need to improve.
The programs are performance based and candidate centered, thus you will receive feedback throughout the course informing you of your progress and level of proficiency.
Assistant Instructor (AI) Candidates joining our indepth IDC attend the first 6 days of our Phuket IDC.
The course introduces candidates to learning, instruction and the PADI system of diver education and focuses on the new programs they will be able to teach as Assistant Instructors, such as Discover Scuba, the Project Aware Specialty and the Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty.
Candidates will also learn how to give successful Microteaching Knowledge Development presentations, Confined Water presentations and Open Water presentations.
Certification Requirements include minimum scores in: one Microteaching Knowledge Development presentation, one Confined Water presentation, one Open Water presentation (2 skills), the PADI skill circuit and the Assistant Instructor Standards Exam.
This takes the AI, Instructor with another training organization or person attending a whole IDC program the next step in their PADI Instructor Development. Candidates joining our Indepth IDC program would attend the only last 6 days.
During the OWSI course you will learn more about PADI Standards and the role of media and prescriptive teaching.
There will be an indepth look at the courses which make up the PADI system and how to teach them: Discover Scuba Diving, Scuba Diver, Specialty Diver, Adventure Diver, Advanced Open Water, Rescue Diver, Divemaster and the various diver retention programs as well as important information on teaching children, legal responsibility and risk management and some business principles for you - the dive instructor.
Requirements for certification include: a minimum passing score in one Prescriptive Teaching Knowledge Development presentation, one Confined Water presentation, one Open Water presentation (2 skills), the PADI skill circuit, the 800m snorkel swim, the Assistant Instructor Standards Exam and an IE Dive Theory preassessment exam.
Upon successful completion of this program you will receive authorization to attend the Instructor Examination.
REMEMBER : prior to the start of an IDC, AI or OWSI course the candidate must have completed ALL 16 IDC Knowledge Reviews from the "Independent Learning" section of the 2001 IDC Candidate Workbook.
The OWSI course has taken the place of the old IOC/Crossover Course.
The NEW OWSI course now allows Instructors already certified with a recreational diving training agency other than PADI to "crossover" to PADI. This is a great way to take advantage of market demands and be able to offer your employers and customers PADI courses and programs.
Click here to see the SSI/BSAC/CMAS - pop up corresponding PADI certifications - if yours is not here - please contact us for clarification.
The course comprises of the last 6 days of an Indepth IDC, thus candidates joining an existing IDC program would attend only the final 9 days
This comprehensive one and a half day program, allows PADI Members - Divemasters, Assistant Instructors and Instructors - to become Emergency First Response Instructors (EFRI).
The EFR Instructor course is conducted in a relaxed and low stress environment. It is although regularly scheduled during our IDC or it can be conducted at any time.
To enroll in an EFR Instructor training program, you'll must:
1. Be renewed as a PADI Member (Divemaster, Assistant Instructor or Instructor) for the current year.
2. Have successfully completed an Emergency First Response Primary Care (CPR) or another qualifying CPR course within the past 24 months.
3. Have successfully completed an Emergency First Response Secondary Care (First Aid) or another qualifying First Aid course within the past 24 months.
4. Have successfully completed a Care For Children or another qualifying course within the past 24 months.
After completion of the program and after receiving written approval from PADI, you will be authorized to teach Emergency First Response Primary Care (CPR), Secondary Care (First-Aid) and Care For Children courses.
The optional skills for your students include, Automated External Defibrillator use (AED) and basic use of Emergency oxygen.
This course teaches EFR Instructors how to organize, conduct and promote the Emergency First Response and Care For Children courses - both include Primary and Secondary Care - We focus on hands application of the skills with thorough instructor led demonstrations and guided practice.
With CPR / First Aid Training being a certification requirement for several PADI certification levels (including; Rescue Diver, Divemaster, Assistant Instructor and OWSI), it is one of most marketable course in the PADI System of diver education.
By being able to offer this yourself - your students will not have to look elsewhere for their training they need - after all …
…Why send your students to another instructor!
Also since the Emergency First Response course is not diving specific, you can offer this to both divers and non-divers alike who want training in Primary Care and Secondary Care.
Individuals who are current CPR/first aid instructors with another qualifying organization - such as MFA -, they may earn the Emergency First Response Instructor rating by completing an entire EFRI course or by attending an Instructor crossover program.
To enroll in an Instructor Crossover Program, an individual must:
1. Be renewed as a PADI Member (Instructor, Assistant Instructor or Divemaster) for the current year.
2. Hold a current CPR/first aid instructor rating with another qualifying organization.
Some examples include: American Heart Association, American Red Cross, American Safety and Health Institute, Cruz Roja de Mexico, Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, MFA (EMP International), Queensland Ambulance Service, South African Red Cross Society and St. John's Ambulance.
If you are unsure if you qualify - please contact me for more information.
The Emergency First Response course consists of: a course orientation, EFR & CFC marketing information, Emergency First Response and Care For Children programs philosophy, a Learning and Instruction workshop and a look at the Emergency First Response and Care For Children DVD.
EFR Instructor candidates must: complete their independant learning knowledge reviews, practice and demonstrate role model technique for the following skills: Primary Assessment, One Rescuer Adult-Children-Infant CPR, Choking managment, Automated External Defibrillator (AED) use, etc.
…. and of course successfully complete the Emergency First Response Instructor written examination.
This three days evaluative program is conducted by PADI Examiners.
To enter an IE you need to have completed an entire IDC / OSWI course within the past 12 months and have logged 100 dives.
You will have 5 Dive Theory exams: Physics, Physiology, The Recreational Dive Planner, Equipment, General Skills and The Diving Environment - yes - exactly the same topics as on your PADI Divemaster Course and IDC / OSWSI.
One PADI General System, standards & procedure exam, related to the material you study during your Phuket IDC.
One Prescriptive Teaching Knowledge Development presentation from any PADI Program. One Confined Water presentation involving one skill from either the Open Water Diver or the Rescue Diver course. One Open Water presentation integrating 2 skills from any PADI course, exactly the same as we will do during the IDC/OSWI course.
One demonstration of Exercise #7 from the PADI Rescue Diver Course just as you did during your PADI Rescue Diver Course, Divemaster Course and IDC/ OWSI course.
A demonstration of 5 different skills taken from the skills performed during the Divemaster Course, Assistant Instructor and IDC/OSWI course.
Once successful... The candidates will be certified as PADI Open Water Scuba Instructors (OWSI) and be qualified to teach from the Open Water Diver course up to the Divemaster course.